Nexus is the most comprehensive purpose-built work management software suite for any Back Office.

Nexus enables companies and outsourcers transform their back office operations by optimising their time, skills and availability.

Nexus provides complete, end-to-end visibility of workload, workforce availability and capability. Allocate work in real-time, irrespective of channel or geographic location.

Nexus provides:

  • A quantum leap in performance
  • Improved customer experience
  • A sustainable foundation for future growth
  • Significantly reduced costs

“Overall my experience of dhp’s Nexus solutions is that ‘it does what it says on the tin’ - it will produce a significant step change in performance, it will it will deliver a better customer experience and it will significantly reduce costs but importantly in a way that delivers a sustainable foundation for future growth.”

Darren Spriggs
Managing Director - Leading Life Insurance

Acts as the ACD for the back-office, with comprehensive real-time reporting suit and end-to-end Customer experience performance tracking and insight.

Captures a real time single view of all work from all sources including telephones, social media, text, websites, email and scanned white mail and line of business where integrated.

Powerful and extensive MI suite with a clear visual dashboard representation of data. Access a single view of historic, real-time and predictive Operational performance reporting metrics.

A fully integrated risk-based Quality assurance suite provides visibility and enables control. Quickly identify skills and process deficits to ensure consistent Quality assurance and Service Excellence.

Track end-to-end customer journey, identify priority process cycle times and touchpoints through unique measurement. Optimise and improve your customers experience.

Nexus Capacity Planning has been designed to enable managers to scenario plan in a consistent and effective way for optimal use of resources in line with future demand.

Nexus complements your existing systems and is low-risk. It is designed to be implemented quickly and easily adopted.

Forecasting, Scheduling and planning for blended back and front office operations.

Quickly and easily identify the big cost bases in your operation. Compare and benchmark and safely reduce costs without destroying value.

Holds all your training and regulatory compliance information in once place.

Acts as the ACD for the back-office, with comprehensive real-time reporting suit and end-to-end Customer experience performance tracking and insight.

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