Nexus - Insight and Continuous Improvement
Having visibility and insight enables service operation to deliver better, consistent outcomes.
Nexus allows organisations to shape and influence interactions with intermediaries, third parties, outsourcers or clients.
Nexus provides the foundation to assist in continuous process improvement through the visibility and transparency of newly available data, as well as the insight provided by heatmaps that harness metrics holistically. This is something that is rarely achieved in the back office.
Through our solutions, our customers experience quantum leaps in performance, consistent improvement of process and service, and the ability to continually streamline, all with trackable and measurable outcomes that deliver ROI.
Key Features
Metrics and reporting based on:
- Efficiency, effectiveness and quality by attribute, person, task, or site
- Processing effort (unit/Hrs) per FTE
- Referral and decisions at autonomy level
- Referral rate accuracy
- Skills progression
- Tasks, attributes or errors driving failure demand
- End-to-end customer experience, all customer touchpoints and recommendations of where to improve
- Processing elapsed time over multiple touch points
- Transactions per issued policy
- Average cost to issue policy
- Elapsed time – settled in average cycle time
- Complaints per initiated claim or underwriting policy
- Focus for Generic User Interface/Robotic Process Automation/ behaviour change, process re engineering and failure demand
Key Deliverables
- Ability to set a different agenda
- Use industry-standard benchmark metrics, to compare, contrast and inform where value-add is delivered
- Shape the TOM
- Inform pricing
- Cut through the white noise and demonstrate ‘’You deliver what you say you will’’
- ROI on all improvement activity
- Industry benchmark metrics, to compare, contrast and inform where value-add exists already or can be delivered
- Take a holistic view of best-practice
- Measure and evidence improvement opportunities by client or customer